Design inquiry is distinct from other forms of inquiry in
that it is ‘inquiry for action’—not merely description, explanation,
prediction, or control. At the beginning
of design inquiry it is essential to make a reality check—an ‘assessment’—of the
situation at hand. What constitutes the nature of the reality that designers
find themselves in when they begin designing?
This assessment is too often framed as a process of ‘analysis’.
When someone is directed to learn more about a situation, an organization, a
person, an event or anything in the real world, the assumption is made
immediately that what is needed is an ‘analysis’. Analysis is a process of
breaking something into its constituent elements, which allows for a certain
level of understanding and people excel at this. However, it has become clear
that in order to really understand something it is important to know how the
constituent elements interact as a whole—a ‘synthesis’—as well.
It turns out that it is difficult to give a name to a synthesis
of elements unless it is merely a functional assembly that can be understood by
what it does. For example when making an assessment of an organization
everyone—student or professional—has difficulty saying what the nature,
character or essence of the organization as a whole is when all the
departments, divisions, staff and behaviors are taken together. Usually
metaphors or analogies are used to convey what the organization as a whole is
like because we don’t know how to do that directly.
A recent article in Aeon makes the case that we design metaphors to help us see things differently using words. But, when something is
too full or rich for words we use images if we have the skills to do so. Unfortunately the
use of images to see and understand the essential nature of a thing—encountered
or created—is not as common as is the use of words. Nor is
creating or reading images very well understood except for the truncated
versions found in the world of computers.
It is even more difficult to convey the nature of a whole
thing when designing it—when elements are linked and connected together
intentionally in such a way as to create desired synergies and emergent
qualities—not merely functional assemblies—in particular or ultimate particular
designs. The use of images to convey the nature of what has been created is
necessary. The use of images to help us understand the value of what has been
created is essential.
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