Systemic design was mentioned recently in the British Design Council’s publication on Medium (
"An approach that tackles complex problems by considering all the interconnected parts of a system. "
Like Horst Rittel’s term ‘wicked problem” — taken in directions quite different from Horst’s original thinking — which is too often mischaracterized, I feel it is important to give an alternative approach to ‘systemic design’ from that proposed by the Design Council.
I don’t have a copyright on the term ‘systemic design’ but I do have a long personal history with the idea and the term. I have been developing and applying systemic design ideas over a very long period and want to offer a generable alternative to the ‘problem-focused’ definition of the Council.
Systemic design should be considered as ‘design’ and not ‘problem-solving’: The Reconstitution of Sophia-the Wise Hand
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