Architecture can be practiced as a form of applied science
or applied art without penalty in the real world. But architecture can be
practiced as a form of design as well. In this talk design will be presented as
the favored form of praxis. The question asked is: what does the practice of
architecture—as design—look like and how does it differ from art and science?
It is believed that we understand a great deal about what technology is and what
art is and how it applies to architecture. However, we do not understand what
design is to the same degree.
Design as a third culture—a tertium quid (a third way)—is
the fundamental postulate for this talk. From this stance a number of axioms
are drawn that define design in a broad and deep way. An example of how this
approach plays out in describing and explaining what design does—in this
instance making the invisible visible—is used to explore the nature of design
from a systemic perspective—i.e. deep design. The question is asked: assuming
architecture is design what is being made visible that is invisible?
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